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Visit Safe Haven Garden at Senglea

Safe Haven Garden is located at the top of Senglea's bastion and it offers a spectacular view of the Grand Harbor and Valletta, Marsa, and Fort St Angelo. It is one of those lovely spots in Malta that you may visit and enjoy the wonderful view of the beautiful Valletta

A short history of Safe Haven Garden

Safe Haven Garden Malta

I'lisla (The Island), became Senglea after Grand Master Claude de la Sengle who built its fortifications in 1551. Safe Haven Garden was also planned by the master. At the very tip of the bastion, there is a lovely guard tower known as 'il-gardjola'. It is decorated with symbols like an ear, eye, and a crane bird carved in the stone. The eye on the tower is a popular icon representing Malta. It is also featured in many brochures about the island. There are also some inscriptions in Latin, which assure that the inhabitants of the harbor area rest at ease, as the tower stands as a guard against any hostile force that may attempt to approach Maltese shores.

The garden has trees and benches and provides a spot to relax while enjoying the view.

The view is really lovely and offers enjoyable moments. I like when I find new places on the island. Which is your favorite garden in Malta? You may check my post about some of the most beautiful gardens and choose your next visit.

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Source: LonelyPlanet, Malta pocket guide